Kamis, 18 November 2010

Origins of Keris & Theory Supporters

Keris and tosan aji and other traditional weapons to Indonesian cultural treasures, of course, after our ancestors knew iron. Various building stone temples built in the days before the 10th century proves that the Indonesian nation at that time already knew the equipment well enough iron, so that they can create sculptural works of high value. But if the Indonesian people to know when it keris culture as we know it today, experts can only arise raba.Gambar feeling (relief) that shows the most ancient iron tools found on stone inscriptions found in the village of Dakuwu, in the area Grabag, Magelang, Central Java. Seeing the form of his writings, it is estimated the inscription was made around the year 500 AD. Letters used, the letter Pallawa. The language used is language Sanskerta.Prasasti it mention about the existence of a spring clean and clear. Above the inscription was written there are a few pictures, including: a trident, ax, sickle kudi, and a dagger or knife that looks very similar to the artificial kris Sombro Nyi, a master craftsman of the era Pajajaran woman. There is also an awesome pitcher, kalasangka, and interest teratai.Kendi, in Old Javanese philosophy is the epitome of science, kalasangka symbolizes eternity, while the lotus flower symbol of harmony with nature.

Some Theory
There have been many cultural experts that discusses the history of existence and development of the keris and tosan aji. G.B. Gardner in 1936 had theorized that the keris is the development of forms of stabbing weapons prehistoric times, the tail bone or eliminated stingray sting base, then wrapped with a cloth on the stalk. That way it can be grasped weapons and carry. So be a dangerous stabbing weapon, according to the size of the time.
Meanwhile, Griffith Wilkens in 1937 argued that the emerging culture of the keris in the 14th century and 15. He said, the form of the kris is the growth of the spear form that is widely used by the nations which inhabit the islands between Asia and Australia. From the eyes that will arise javelin short weapons or stabbing weapons, which became known as the kris. Another reason, javelin or spear a long stem, not easy to carry anywhere. Difficult to infiltrate brought into the forest. Because at that time was not easy to get iron man, the eyes of the spear is released from the stem so that a handheld weapon.

Another opinion A.J. Barnet Kempers. In 1954 it assumed the form of ancient experts prototype form of the kris is the development of weapons of Bronze Age awl. The upper reaches Keris shaped figurine depicting humans and blend with the blade, by Barnet Kempers not regarded as extraordinary items.
He said, stabbing weapons from bronze Dong-son culture also shaped it. Upper reaches is a small statue depicting human being stood hands on hips (poor-Kerik, the Java language.) While the ancient stabbing weapons ever found in Kalimantan, on the upper reaches of the shape of people also distilir pinggang.Perkembangan hands on the basic form of stabbing weapon that can be compared with the development of weapons in Europe. On the continent, first, the sword also distilir of the second form of the Man with outstretched arms straight to the side. Hilt form, after the spread of Christianity, then developed into a similar shape of the cross.
In relation to the form in the Indonesian kris, dagger-shaped upstream humans (who distilir), some standing, some are bent, and some are squat, shape is similar to that found in the megalithic statue Playen, Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta. In a later development, it forms more distilir again and now the form of upstream kris (in Java called deder, lined, or engraving) with decorative cecek, Gandul patra, patra ageng, pedestals, pedestals, etc..

In the history of our culture, statue or statues of people standing with a slightly bent, by some experts, interpreted as a symbol of the dead. While statues depicting humans with attitude squatting with legs bent, considered symbolize birth, childbirth, fertility, or life. Same with the attitude of the baby or fetus in the womb ibunya.Ada sebgian expert Western nations who do not believe that the dagger was made in Indonesia before the 14th century or 15. They based their theory on the fact that no clear picture on the reliefs of temples built before the 10th century. Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles in his History of Java (1817) said, no fewer than 30 types of weapons carried and used that time Javanese soldiers, including firearms. But from a variety of weapon, a dagger istimewa.Disebutkan occupies a position which in his book, Java soldiers generally holds three kris at once. Kris worn at the waist to the left, comes from the provision of time-in-law marriage (in Javanese culture called buttons bun). Kris worn at the waist right, arising from their own parents. In addition, various procedures and ethics in the world of the keris is also contained in the book that Raffles. Unfortunately, in his famous book, the English authorities had not mentioned anything about the history and cultural origins of the kris.
Meanwhile, the term 'kris' have been found in several ancient inscriptions. Inscribed bronze plate found in Karangtengah, numbered from the year 748 Saka, or 842 AD, mentions several types of offerings to establish Poh as a tax free zone, offering, among other form of 'sharps', wangkiul, tewek punukan, which Wesi penghatap.Kres aimed at both the stele is kris. While wangkiul is a kind of spear, tewek punukan is a double-edged weapon, such dwisula.

In the bas-relief paintings (relief) Borobudur Temple, Central Java, on the southeast corner of the bottom part, reflected some of the soldiers carrying a sharp weapon similar to the dagger that we know today. In the Prambanan Temple, Central Java, also depicted in relief, the giant brought a similar true stabbing weapon with a dagger. In Sewu, near Prambanan, also exist. Giant statues guard, slipped the blade sharp weapon, like keris.Sementara first and second editions were compiled by Prof. PA VAN DER Lith said, while the main stupa of Borobudur temple, built in 875 AD, were disassembled, found a keris old. Keris was fused between the blade and the upper reaches. But it did not form similar kris kris form depicted in temple reliefs. Keris these findings are now stored in the Museum Ethnografi, Leiden, The Netherlands. Details on the findings of the keris was written by Dr. H.H. Catalog JUYNBOHL in the Kingdom (The Netherlands) vol V, Year 1909. In the catalog that being said, the keris is considered 'keris Majapahit', upper reaches of the statue-shaped, the blade is very old. One side of the bar had been damaged. Keris, who was given the serial number 1834, it is the gift GJ HEYLIGERS, secretary Kedu Resident Office, in October 1845. The residennya at the time was Hartman. The length of a keris findings were 28.3 cm, 20.2 cm long upper reaches, and 4.8 cm wide. The shape is straight, not on luk.

Kris about this, many who doubted whether since the beginning it has been placed in the center hole main stupa of Borobudur temple. Barnet Kempres own dagger suspect was placed by someone in those days later, away days after the Borobudur Temple was completed. So it was not at the time of its construction.

There is also a suspect, kris culture has developed since the year 1000 AD. This opinion is based on the reports seeorang Chinese travelers in the year 922 AD. So the report was made about the time of Kahuripan growing on the banks of Kali Brantas, East Java. According to the report, there is one Java Maharaja presented to the Emperor of China "a short swords with hilts of rhinoceros horn or gold (with a short sword upstream of the horn is made of rhinoceros or gold). Could be short sword is referred to in the report is like a dagger protoptipe depicted on the reliefs of Borobudur and Prambanan temple.
A keris which is marked with a number of years on the blade, is owned by a Dutchman named Knaud in Batavia (the Dutch period first). In addition there is a keris that arise puppet image around, also framed the Saka year 1264, or 1324 AD. So roughly contemporary with the time development Upgrading Temple near the town of Blitar, East Java. In this temple there was indeed a giant statue of Kala that bears his short dagger straight.
Figure out exactly what the dagger found in a statue dating back to Siwa Singasari Kingdom, in the 14th century. Described by Lord Shiva was holding a long dagger in his right hand. Jelasini not mock statue of Lord Shiva from India, because India had never seen a statue of Shiva holding a dagger. The statue is now stored in the Museum of Leiden, The Netherlands.

In subsequent eras, the many temples built in East Java, which has a picture on the wall relief kris. For example on Jajagu Jago Temple or Temple, which was built in 1268 AD. In that temple there is a relief depicting the Pandavas (puppet) were playing dice. Clown-servants are painted on the back depicted carrying a dagger. Similarly, in the temples located in this area, Pare, near Kediri, and Temple Panataran. In the second temple reliefs are painted figures holding a keris.
The story about a clearer kris can be read from the report of a Chinese traveler named Ma Huan. In his report Yingyai Sheng-lan in 1416 AD he wrote his experience when visiting the Kingdom of Majapahit.

When he arrived in the entourage of Admiral Cheng-ho on the orders of Emperor Yen Tsung of the Ming Dynasty. In Majapahit, Ma Huan see that almost all men in the country wearing pulak, since I was a kid, even since I was three years old. The so-called pulak by Ma Huan is a kind of dagger straight or winding. Ayang clearly meant is keris.Kata Ma Huan in laoparan it: These daggers have very thin stripes and Within flowers and made of very best steel; the handle is of gold, rhinoceros, or ivory, cut into the shapeof human or devil faces and finished carefully.

This report proves that at times it has been known to stab weapon-making techniques with an ornament prestige to the image of very thin stripes and whitish flowers. These weapons are made with prime quality steel. Grip, or the upper reaches, made of gold, rhinoceros horn, or gading.Tak doubt, of course, that meant Ma Huan is a dagger in his report that we know today.

Figure arise about how making kris, can be witnessed in the Temple Sukuh, on the slopes of Mount Lawu, on the border of Central Java and East Java. In candra sengkala Memet in the temple, legible numbers Saka year 1316 or 1439 AD.

How to manufacture depicted in the temple keris is not much different from the way of making kris kris today. Good working equipment, hammer and bellows, as well as his work in the form of the kris, spears, kudi, etc..

Borobudur temple in Indonesia

Borobudur is the name of a Buddhist temple located at Borobudur, Magelang, Central Java. The location of the temple is approximately 100 km southwest of Hyderabad and 40 km northwest of Yogyakarta. This temple was founded by the followers of Mahayana Buddhism around the year 800 AD during the reign of the dynasty dynasty. In the ethnic Chinese, this temple is also called 婆罗 浮屠 (Hanyu Pinyin: PO Luo fu tu) in Mandarin.

The name Borobudur
Many theories that attempt to explain the name of this temple. One of them states that the name is probably derived from the word Sambharabhudhara, which means "mountain" (bhudara) where the slopes are located terraces. In addition there are some other folk etymology. Suppose that the word comes from the greeting Borobudur "the Buddha" who because of a shift in sound to Borobudur. Another explanation is that the name comes from two words "coal" and "beduhur". The word bara said to have originated from the word monastery, while there are also other explanations where the coal comes from Sanskrit which means temple or monastery complex and beduhur meaning is "high", or to remind the Balinese language means "above". So the point is a monastery or hostel located on high ground.
Historian J.G. de Casparis in his dissertation for a doctorate in 1950 argued that Borobudur is a place of worship. Based on the inscriptions Karangtengah and Kahulunan, Casparis estimate Borobudur founder of the dynasty was the king of Mataram dynasty named Samaratungga, who do construction around the year 824 AD The giant new building could be completed at the time of her daughter, Queen Pramudawardhani. Borobudur Development estimated take half a century. In Karangtengah inscriptions also mentioned about the bestowal of land sima (tax-free land) by Cri Kahulunan (Pramudawardhani) to maintain kamulan called Bhūmisambhāra. [1] The term itself comes from the word kamulan initially, which means place of origin, the ancestral shrine to glorify, probably ancestors of the dynasty Sailendra. Casparis estimates that Bhumi Sambhāra Bhudhāra in Sanskrit language meaning "Mount of the set of ten levels boddhisattwa virtue", was the original name Borobudu

Borobudur Structure
Borobudur has the basic structure punden terraces, with a six-yard square, three round circular courtyard and a main stupa as a peak. Also scattered in all pelatarannya several stupas.
Ten yard owned Borobudur illustrates clearly the Mahayana school of philosophy. Like a book, Borobudur described ten levels of Bodhisattva who must pass to reach the perfection of the Buddha.
Kamadhatu symbolizes the foot of Borobudur, the world is still dominated by kama or "low desire". This section is mostly covered by a pile of stone that allegedly made to strengthen the construction of the temple. At the closed part of this additional structure there are 120 panels Kammawibhangga story. A small additional structure that is set aside so people can still see the relief in this section.
Four floors with wall berelief on it by the experts called Rupadhatu. The floor is rectangular. Rupadhatu is a world that was able to break free from lust, but is still bound by the form and shape. This level represents the nature of that is, between the bottom and the nature of nature. In part this Rupadhatu Buddha statues found in the recesses of the wall above the ballustrade or hallway.
Starting the fifth to the seventh floor walls are not berelief. This level is called Arupadhatu (which means no tangible form or not). Circular floor plan. This level represents the nature of, where people are free from all desires and bond forms and shapes, but have not reached nirvana. Buddha statues are placed in the stupa is covered with holes as in captivity. From outside the statues were still vaguely visible.
The highest level that describes the lack of form is represented in the form of the stupa of the largest and highest. Stupa described plain without the holes. In the largest stupa is a Buddhist statue ever found imperfect or unfinished also called Buddha, which disalahsangkakan as sculpture Adibuddha, but through further research there never was a statue at the main stupa, which was not completed sculpture was a mistake pemahatnya in ancient times. according to the belief that one statue in the manufacturing process is not undermined. Archaeological excavations carried out in the courtyard of this temple found many statues like this.
In the past, several Buddha statues along with 30 stones with reliefs, two stone lions, some kala-shaped stone, stairs and gates are sent to the King of Thailand, Chulalongkorn who visited the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia) in 1896 as a gift from the Dutch when it.
Borobudur has no worship spaces like other temples. That there are long hallways which is a narrow road. The hallways surrounding the walled temple level by level. In the halls of this is expected to conduct Buddhist ceremonies walk around the temple to the right. Shape of the building without room and terraced structure is believed to be the development of punden form terraces, which is a form of original architecture from prehistoric Indonesia.
Borobudur structure when viewed from above form the structure of the Mandala.
Borobudur structure does not use cement at all, but the interlock system is like Lego blocks that can be attached without glue.

At every level carved reliefs on temple walls. These reliefs read according to the clockwise or called mapradaksina in Old Javanese language derived from Sanskrit meaning is daksina east. These reliefs variety of story content, among other reliefs Jataka stories.
Reading of the stories are always the starting relief, and ends on the east side of the gate at every level, starting on the left and right ends at the gate. So obviously that the east is the ladder up the real (main) and toward the top of the temple, it means that the temple facing the east while the other sides of similar right.

In sequence, the story is short on meaningful temple reliefs as follows:

One of the temple wall carvings at Borobudur Karmawibhangga (0 floor southeast corner)
In accordance with the symbolic meaning on the foot of the temple, reliefs which adorn the walls of a hidden shelf that illustrate the law of karma. Rows of relief is not a story series (series), but in every frame illustrates a story that has a causal correlation. Relief will not only give a picture of human moral turpitude accompanied by a penalty that would obtain, but also human and reward good behavior. Overall, the portrayal of human life in the circle of birth - life - death (samsara) that never ends, and by Buddhism tersebutlah chain will be ended to to perfection.
It is a portrayal of history of the Buddha in a row of reliefs (but not a complete history) that began the decline of the Buddha from heaven Tusita, and ends with the first sermon in the Deer Park near the city of Banaras. Relief is a row of stairs on the south side, after a row of reliefs exceed a total of 27 frames starting from the east side of the stairs. To-27 frames are described activity, both in heaven and on earth, in preparation to welcome the presence of the last incarnation of the Bodhisattva as the candidate of the Buddha. The reliefs depict the birth of the Buddha in this arcapada as Prince Siddhartha, son of King and Queen Maya of Suddhodana Kapilavastu Affairs. Relief is 120 frames, which ended with the first discourse, which is symbolically expressed as a Screening Wheel of Dharma, the teachings of the Buddha is called dharma which also means "law", whereas dharma is represented as a wheel.
Jataka and Awadana
Jataka is the story of the Buddha before he is born as Prince Siddhartha. Protrusion of the contents is the subject of good works, which differentiates the Bodhisattva of any other creature. Indeed, the collection service / good deeds is a stage of preparation in an attempt to level the Buddhahood.
While Awadana, basically similar to the Jataka but the culprit is not the Bodhisattva, but others and the stories collected in the book which means noble deeds Diwyawadana godlike, and the book Awadana Awadanasataka or a hundred stories. In the reliefs of Borobudur temple and awadana Jataka, treated equally, meaning that they are in the same row without a distinguishable. The set of the most famous of the life of the Bodhisattva is Jatakamala or string of Jataka stories, Aryasura poet's work and who live in the 4th century AD.
Is a row of reliefs adorn the walls of the hall to-2, is the story of a wandering Sudhana tirelessly in his efforts to find the Highest Knowledge of Truth by Sudhana. Depiction in the 460 frame is based on Mahayana Buddhist scripture entitled Gandawyuha, and for the lid on the story any other book that is Bhadracari.

Summary of the process of restoration of Borobudur Temple
1814 - Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles, Governor General of the United Kingdom in Java, heard of the discovery of archaeological objects in the village of Borobudur. Raffles ordered H.C. Cornelius to investigate the discovery site, a hill covered with shrubs.
1873 - The first monograph on the temple issue.
1900 - Dutch East Indies government established a committee of refurbishment and maintenance of the temple of Borobudur.
1907 - Theodoor van Erp led the restoration until 1911.
1926 - Borobudur restored again, but stopped in 1940 due to malaise and the crisis of World War II.
1956 - The Indonesian government requested the assistance of UNESCO. Prof. Dr. C. Coremans came to Indonesia from Belgium to investigate the causes of damage to Borobudur.
1963 - The Indonesian government issued a decree to restore Borobudur, but the mess after the events of the G-30-S.
1968 - At a conference-15 in France, UNESCO agreed to provide assistance to rescue Borobudur.
1971 - The Indonesian government established body that is chaired Prof.Ir.Roosseno restoration of Borobudur.

Memorial stone restoration with the help of UNESCO's Borobudur temple
1972 - International Consultative Committee was formed with the involvement of various countries and Roosseno as its chairman. Committee sponsored by UNESCO to provide 5 million U.S. dollars from 7750 million dollar refurbishment costs the United States. The rest is borne Indonesia.
August 10, 1973 - President Soeharto inaugurated the commencement of the restoration of Borobudur; restoration was completed in 1984
January 21, 1985 - bomb attack which destroyed some of the stupa at Borobudur Temple which was immediately repaired. Attacks carried out by Islamic extremist groups led by Hussein Ali Al Ethiopia.
1991 - Borobudur designated as World Heritage by UNESCO.

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